I began to carve chalk at school age, spontaneously and self-taught, seeing that carving chalk was more immediate and easier than carving wood, and so I took advantage of any time between classes or at recess to dig with the cap of the "pen-bic" into small pieces of no more than two centimeters. This is how the first "cars" and other crudely carved figurines came out.
Over time I ended up refining the technique and, to this day, I almost never miss a pack of chalk, white, of the "marblas" brand and a kind of punch cutter, wherever I go.

Trying to fix some mess I discovered, by chance, the effect of cyanoacrylate ("superglue") on the surface of the chalk and especially that it gives it hardness and a similar appearance, saving the differences, to alabaster. From then on, more elaborate carvings come, many of them with the intention of being part of a collection or series, some of them polychrome with acrylics.

I have also experimented with the transparent plastic of bic pens (thermolabile resin) by heating it like glass, achieving in blowing some pieces similar to jars, vats or simple glass rods.

Also, since I was very young, I have been experimenting with pieces of wire and sheet metal, then soldered with a tin soldering iron, first achieving some rustic boxes, then some toys (several motorcycles) and finally an infinity of miniature pieces, highlighting the palaustres and , by extension, the pieces that make up one of the collections on display, all referring to the masonry trade and masonry in general.

-Vitrines, sideboards and shelves of the house of some relatives and friends.
-Exhibition of Crafts Ateneo Popular de Almodóvar del Río in December 2011, series entitled "Small Sculpture".